salariilor este o promisiune care se adreseaza doar unei parti a
populatiei si ignora complet ceea ce se intampla pe partea privata, cea
care raspunde si duce pe umeri cresterea economica, a declarat
miercuri, pentru Agerpres, Adrian Mitroi, secretarul general al
Asociatiei Analistilor Financiari (CFA Romania).
'As fi preferat oricand declaratii de 3-5% reducere CAS pentru ca
impozitarea muncii este, in continuare, extrem de prohibitiva si de
ridicata si cred ca mai potrivit ar fi fost ceva mai balansat valabil
pentru toata economia. Economia are nevoie acum de crestere economica si
de un suflu care sa fie cordial cu ambele parti, si partea bugetara si
partea privata', a spus Mitroi, mentionand ca vorbeste in calitate de
analist, profesor de investitii.
Potrivit acestuia, este o masura pe care nimeni nu o ia si toata
lumea o va privi, in afara Romaniei, un pic indoit, 'o masura care nu se
ia in conditii recesionare'.
'Pe de alta parte, este o nedreptate care s-a facut si care trebuie
indreptata, insa salariile acestea trebuiesc compensate cu ceva cu
incasari mai mari la buget sau cu cheltuieli mai mici, ori reducerea
evaziunii fiscale. In concluzie, eu as fi preferat CAS, sa vad ceva
valabil pentru intreaga economie si nu doar pentru o parte a ei', a
explicat analistul.
Presedintele Traian Basescu a declarat miercuri, in Parlament, ca ar
trebui gasite solutii pentru ca, in jurul datei de 1 iunie, sa fie
reintregite salariile bugetarilor.
'La inceputul anului 2011, parte din sumele taiate din salariile
bugetarilor au fost restituite. Cred ca este o datorie a mea si a dvs sa
gandim si sa gasim solutii pentru ca, undeva in jurul datei de 1
iunie, sa reintregim salariile bugetarilor, chiar daca in luna ianuarie
am avut un excedent fata de veniturile planificate in buget, in luna
februarie am avut un minus de doua ori mai mare decat excedentul din
ianuarie si, probabil, si in martie vom avea un minus de venituri in
bugetul de stat. Dar el se datoreaza conjunctural situatiei
meteorologice din luna februarie', a spus Basescu, in plenul
Analyst: Wage rise is a promise for only part of population
The wage rise is a promise for only a part of the population and it
completely ignores what is happening in the private sector, which is the
one responsible and carrying the economic growth on its shoulders,
Adrian Mitroi. secretary-general of the Chartered Financial Analysts
(CFA, the Romanian branch) told Agerpres on Wednesday.
Said Adrian Mitroi: 'I would have any time preferred to hear
announcements of cuts in the social security contributions at some 3 to 5
percent, given labour taxation keeps on being extremely prohibitive and
high and I think something more balanced, applicable to the entire
economy would have been more adequate. The economy now needs growth and a
breath that should be cordial to both sides, the public sector and the
private sector sides'. He underscored he was speaking in his capacity of
an analyst, of an investment professor.
He made the remarks after Romanian President Traian Basescu told a
plenary sitting of Parliament earlier in the day solutions should be
found to give back the public workers, by June 1, the percentages of
their wages that had been cut in 2010 as part of austerity measures.
Mitroi said this is a measure nobody is taking and that everybody
outside Romania will look at with some mixed feelings, 'a measure one
does not take amid recession'. 'On the other hand, it is an injustice
that had been done and must be set right, but such wages must be
counterbalanced by something, by higher budget revenues or smaller
expenditure, or by curbed tax evasion', the CFA official underscored.
President Traian Basescu told Parliament on Wednesday that solutions
should be found for the public servants' salaries to be made complete
again about June 1.
'At the beginning of 2011 parts of the sums deducted from the public
servants' salaries were given back. I think it is my and your duty to
find solutions for us to make the public servants' salaries complete
again some time about June 1, even if in January we had a surplus of the
revenues that were planned for the budget, in February we had two times
less than the surplus in January and probably in March too we shall
have less revenues to the state budget. But it is circumstantially due
to the weather conditions in February,' Basescu told the plenum of
He said he was sure that the opposition too would understand it and that
the Government and the Premier would consider the state budget, the way
it is approved, and would be able to find the necessary resources
without cutting investments.
'You will be able to find resources and at the end of the mandate you
will be able to tell public servants that they have their salaries in
once piece as you found them when you came to power,' also said Basescu,
who assured the parliamentarians of his support in this respect.
Reactions: We need to restore pay rights to those who saw their wages cut in 2010 (UDMR)
We need to restore the pay rights of those who saw their wages cut in
2010, said on Wednesday, Vice President of the Democratic Union of
Hungarians in Romania (UDMR, minor formation at rule) Laszlo Borbely,
commenting the head of state's declaration concerning the recovery of
former wages by public sector employees.
'I am glad that, after we insisted on higher salaries, I think that
after today's speech by the President everyone will agree with what we,
from UDMR, proposed two months ago, that we need to increase salaries
and pensions. At the end of the first quarter, we are going to have a
discussion in the coalition and, obviously, we will take the decision on
the size of that raise. But our point of view is clear. Those who had
their wages cut in 2010 must recover their rights', Borbely said.
Democrat Liberal Gheorghe Ialomitianu, former Minister of Finance in the
Emil Boc Government until the appointment of the current prime
minister, said that the measures required by President Traian Basescu
concerning the recovery of wage cuts are feasible through a reduction of
tax evasion and a serious analysis of the public money spending. He
added that the Government must also pay attention to the measure on
social security contributions reduction.
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